倪呈旸25 Nov 2014 New ZealandHello Jack,
我现在在Victoria读预科,我打算本科选择Microbiology,请问这个专业就业前景如何呀?我是打算技术移民新西兰才出国读书的,但这个专业我看是不在Long Skill Shortages里的,但Long Skill Shortages里的Life Scientist (Regulatory Toxicologist) (234599) ——Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with a major in Drug and Human Health (NZQF Level 7)我不是很感兴趣。能给点建议么?谢谢啦。 回复
michael24 Nov 2014 阿联酋情况说明:
请问是否可以申请技术移民,谢谢! 回复
xiaoxiao21 Nov 2014 Chinajack您好,我已经拿到resident visa。看申请pr的条件中有一条是established base in NZ. 是否可以理解为:入境第一年在NZ购买了住房,第二年住满41天,主申及副申请两年内在NZ住满184天,即可在持有resident visa满两年的情况下申请pr?如果在要求的时间之外此房产处于出租状态,是否影响pr的申请?非常感谢。
5. Established base in New Zealand
You have been in New Zealand as a resident for a total of at least 41 days in the 12-month period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application, and all members of your immediate family who were included in your residence application have resided in New Zealand for a total of at least 184 days in the two-year period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application. Also, either:
• you own and maintain a family home in New Zealand*, or
• you have been genuinely employed full-time in
New Zealand, in paid employment, for a total of at least nine months in the two-year period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application. Employment involving payment by commission and/or retainer is not acceptable.
With your application you will have to provide evidence of owning and maintaining a home or evidence of employment.
Evidence of owning and maintaining a home may include: • your residential property title deed
• mortgage documents
• rate demands
• home insurance papers, and
• accounts for the telephone, electricity, gas or water.
Evidence of employment may include written confirmation of your full-time employment from your employer(s).
If you are self-employed, you should provide evidence you have established, purchased or hold shares in a business in New Zealand, and are actively involved in managing or operating that business.
2楼Eric(23 Nov 2014, Japan)你读不懂英文介绍,怎么拿的Residency Visa?@TA
请知道的兄弟姐妹帮忙告诉下。 回复
我是国内普通高校化工设备专业(机械类)的本科生,有意向技术移民出去(机械工程师身份),我想请问有什么国际(或新西兰)认可的机械工程或机械技术方面的证书,想考一下以备以后使用。 回复
2如果1不可行,那是否可以通过在留学就业的方式移民;是否有推荐的本地专业,英文能力一般。 回复
我先生44岁,中国CPA执业资格,现是一会计师事务所合伙人,想申请新西兰的技术移民,现打分100分,没有拿到新西兰的OFFER,成功申请的机率高吗?还有哪些好办法可提高成功率,请指教,多谢! 回复
我现在在Victoria读预科,我打算本科选择Microbiology,请问这个专业就业前景如何呀?我是打算技术移民新西兰才出国读书的,但这个专业我看是不在Long Skill Shortages里的,但Long Skill Shortages里的Life Scientist (Regulatory Toxicologist) (234599) ——Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with a major in Drug and Human Health (NZQF Level 7)我不是很感兴趣。能给点建议么?谢谢啦。 回复
请问是否可以申请技术移民,谢谢! 回复
1. 我之前的本科和硕士学位是所谓仪器制造专业,但工作经验集中在IT领域,想请问一下,这种学位是否能够满足申请紧缺职业(IT类)的要求?我在博客上看到在IT类学位中有所谓科学学士的分类,不知道是否能够归在此类?
2. 如果申请下来是那种需要在一定时间内(9个月?)拿到Offer的签证,是否一定要主申请人拿到工作Offer才可以?副申在这个期限拿到Offer的话有可能获得居留权吗?现在正在考虑我和我老婆到底谁主申(我老婆的专业和工作经验都是IT类的,所以拿到分数比我高)
非常感谢 回复
5. Established base in New Zealand
You have been in New Zealand as a resident for a total of at least 41 days in the 12-month period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application, and all members of your immediate family who were included in your residence application have resided in New Zealand for a total of at least 184 days in the two-year period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application. Also, either:
• you own and maintain a family home in New Zealand*, or
• you have been genuinely employed full-time in
New Zealand, in paid employment, for a total of at least nine months in the two-year period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application. Employment involving payment by commission and/or retainer is not acceptable.
With your application you will have to provide evidence of owning and maintaining a home or evidence of employment.
Evidence of owning and maintaining a home may include: • your residential property title deed
• mortgage documents
• rate demands
• home insurance papers, and
• accounts for the telephone, electricity, gas or water.
Evidence of employment may include written confirmation of your full-time employment from your employer(s).
If you are self-employed, you should provide evidence you have established, purchased or hold shares in a business in New Zealand, and are actively involved in managing or operating that business. 回复
对sfv的审批会有影响吗? 回复
我是澳洲RMIT的Bachlor degree of Business(logistics and transportation management)with Distiction,目前8年采购工作经验。
如果不行,offshore申请技术移民基本无望了。很重要的问题,谢谢了? 回复
我女朋友是永居,我计划去新西兰结婚,但我旅游签被拒。没办法,我们想在国内同居12月然后她可以申请我吗?我们在国内没办法领结婚证,请问这样做可行吗?请百忙中回复,对我很重要!多谢了! 回复
期待你的回答,谢谢 回复